Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Su Profundidad

Su Profundidad
Estrella caliente blanco azulado,
bastante quisieron poder conquistado.
Espectroscopios anieblados,
nunca confirmaron,
los colores que la integran,
profundo y tapado.


Wet Kiss

Wet Kiss

Today, I teleport to you a kiss.

Sending it high above the sky,

imagining it hitching a ride,

from raindrop to raindrop,

until reaching your side.

So, whenever you step outside,

clouds and precipitation shade,

close your eyes, face up high,

take a full abdominal breath,

and allow drops that fall,

have their way,

all over your magnificent looking face.

Dare taste?



Where do we go
for that 3rd of our existence?
  Anesthetized capsule,
weak and non-resistant.
Fragments we recall,
reason seem to fall,
to return mostly refreshed
to deliver “our very best”.
Where is it that we go
for that 3rd of our existence?
I only wish that I can watch,
I only wish to be your witness.


Sublime Sabotage

Sublime Sabotage

Hypnotizing social stigma,
vale to the eyes,
por una firma.
Discard a soul,
relevance mold,
it’s a deep seated fear,
which has you controlled.
Perception of opposite gender,
infrastructure to all your agendas.
Healing the child,
may take quite a while,
but much, much longer,
if you swim in the Nile.


Profundo mar

Profundo mar
Siempre tendré este tiempo en mi cuenta.
Platos tectónicos moviéndose en reversa.
Al impacto me asomo.
Alimentar curiosidad.
Para luego realizar,
que eres un nave con piedad.
Que cuando sonríes, sin tratar,
alteras la luz, la corriente, y textura de un mar.
Honórame la oportunidad, de aprender mucho más.
Acepta mi invitación para llevarte a cenar,
la profundidad de el amar.


Saturday, December 17, 2011

Reserved Embrace

Reserved Embrace

I burn some candles,
blaze more incense,
& hope that in an instant
I can turn your clock
to spare the shock
of what you’ll now
live missing.

Here we are, so loud,
while a mere fraction of a second from now
silence & doubt prevails.

We know not what it holds
& at times fear when told
of the place that all with life
must inevitably go, less strife.

He has lived His last pain.
Pure soul is His gain.

Earth, water, wind, fire.
Your Son has been hired
to brighten our heaven
for a purpose much higher.

So lets praise His retire,
vocalizing Lord Hymns,
recognizing He is with you
every breath you take in.

Recognizing that you’ll meet Him
at the approach of your -