Monday, July 25, 2016

Experimento Científico Controlado Para Un Cambio Crítico de Cultura

Experimento Científico Controlado Para Un Cambio Crítico de Cultura

Por Luis Ángel Pérez
Educador de Matemática y Ciencia y Defensor

Un experimento controlado es un procedimiento que contiene dos rasgos importantes:

    (1) examina una cosa, (o factor), a la vez y

    (2) contiene dos grupos: un Grupo Experimental y un Grupo Control.

        En un experimento controlado, es costumbre de administrar, (o no administrar), el Tratamiento Experimental sometido a prueba a estos dos grupos distintos - al mismo tiempo, para controlar el factor de "historia", (manteniendo el "tiempo" constante),  para evitar que esto posiblemente cause confusión de los resultados.

        El siguiente diseño experimental es único en el sentido de que, (A) el Grupo Experimental y el Grupo Control son el mismo grupo, y por lo tanto, (B) proporcionando el Tratamiento Experimental y no proporcionando el Tratamiento Experimental no va a ocurrir simultáneamente pero en lugar de dos diferentes períodos de tiempo.

        En otras palabras, el grupo de la muestra utilizado en este experimento se trata inicialmente como un Grupo de Control, (privados de el Tratamiento Experimental), durante muchos años y entonces este mismo grupo de la muestra será tratado como un Grupo Experimental, (esta vez recibiendo el Tratamiento Experimental), durante muchos años. Tal diseño es comúnmente reconocido como un diseño de Series de Tiempo Interrumpido, (Interrupted Time-Series Design).

(1) El Grupo Experimental

         * es el grupo que recibe el Tratamiento Experimental sometido a prueba 
            en el estudio, (también conocida como la Variable Independiente, VI).

                - La Variable Independiente (VI) o el Tratamiento Experimental

                      * es la única cosa, (o factor), que los científicos cambian en
                         un experimento.

                             * En este experimento controlado en particular, el Tratamiento
                                Experimental (o la Variable Independiente),
                                es una fuerza poderosa que yo llamo TATO.

                                     * TATO es una potente fuerza sanadora creada cuando
                                         los elementos de Transparencia, Rendición de Cuentas
                                         (Accountability), Formación Significativa
                                         (meaningful Training), y Supervisión Imparcial,
                                         (unbiased Oversight), se combinan.

                - Las Variables Dependientes, (VD)

                         * son las cosas, (o factores), en un experimento que pueden cambiar
                        en respuesta de la administración del Tratamiento Experimental,
                        (o Variable Independiente).
                        Se llaman Variables "Dependiente" porque
                        los cambios observado aquí "Dependen" sobre la aplicación
                        del Tratamiento Experimental.

                    * Los científicos generalmente analizan los cambios en las
                       Variables Dependientes para entender cómo el 
                       Tratamiento Experimental, (Variable Independiente), 
                       afecta al sistema que están estudiando.

                           * En este experimento controlado en particular, 
                              el sistema que estamos estudiando es 
                              el Departamento de Educación.

(2) El Grupo de Control

          * es el grupo que no recibe el Tratamiento Experimental,
             (no recibe la Variable Independiente), siendo probado en el estudio,

          * y por lo tanto, los cambios en el Grupo Control, (que no recibe el
             Tratamiento Experimental), se utiliza como estándar para comparar contra
             los cambios en el Grupo Experimental, (que si recibe
             el Tratamiento Experimental).

                 * En este experimento controlado en particular,
                    el Grupo Control no recibió el Tratamiento Experimental TATO
                    durante muchos años.

                 * Por lo tanto, ya tenemos muchos años de valiosos datos
                    de nuestro Grupo de Control.

        Ahora es fundamental para nosotros terminar con el Grupo Control y enfocar nuestro tiempo y atención en el Grupo Experimental; sobre la aplicación del Tratamiento Experimental TATO, (la Variable Independiente), para comenzar a reunir años de datos que luego podemos utilizar para comparar con los años de los datos que ya reunieron de nuestro Grupo de Control.
Mi Hipótesis:

        Yo creo que los resultados de este experimento va a demostrar una correlación negativa significativa entre el Grupo Control y el Grupo Experimental dentro de este sistema.

        Esencialmente, mientras el Tratamiento Experimental TATO se incrementa, corrupción y abuso de poder en el Departamento de Educación se reduce de manera significativa, directamente dando como resultado un gran cambio de cultura favorable para todos los niños, padres y educadores.


                                           Pongámonos manos a la obra!

Friday, July 15, 2016

Division in Our Children’s Education

“It’s easier to get a gun than it is to get access to a computer or a book
and if we are going to do something about that
then we have to provide resources ahead of time.”

“… and increasingly we’ve got a society that has become more unequal
so in some cities, for example,
the better-off you are –
you just send your kid to a private school;

and then the Public Schools are under funded and
people don’t really want to support Public Schools;

and that mind set has to change
where we get back to a sense that
we’re all one family and one community.

And I don’t care how well-off you are –
your son or daughter, even if they’re getting everything from you,
they’re still living in the community,

and, at some point,
if they’re getting all kinds of opportunities
and the kid just a mile away is getting none,
that’s going to create problems.
It’s going to create more challenges.”

- United States President Barack Obama 
& the People Town Hall; A National Conversation, July 14, 2016

The Daily HD
(24:47 to 25:46)

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Supreme Court Justice

Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Supreme Court Justice

"it is no secret that people of color are disproportionate victims"
of police searches.

"By legitimizing the conduct that produces this double consciousness,
this case tells everyone,
white and black, guilty and innocent,
that an officer can verify your legal status at any time.

It says that your body is subject to invasion
while courts excuse the violation of your rights.

It implies that you are not a citizen of a democracy
but the subject of a carceral state,
just waiting to be cataloged."

"We must not pretend that the countless people
who are routinely targeted by police
are 'isolated.'

They are the canaries in the coal mine whose deaths,
civil and literal,
warn us that no one can breathe in this atmosphere.

They are the ones who recognize that unlawful police stops
corrode all our civil liberties and threaten all our lives.

Until their voices matter too,
our justice system will continue to be anything but.

I dissent."

  Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Supreme Court Justice, 2016  

Democracy Now! Amy Goodman & Juan Gonzalez Report:

Sotomayor "Tells It Like It Is" & Slams Racial Profiling, Illegal Search and Seizure in Scathing Dissent

June 24, 2016
Web Exclusive


This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.

AMY GOODMAN: This is Democracy Now!,, The War and Peace Report. I’m Amy Goodman, with Juan González.

JUAN GONZÁLEZ: Last week, the Supreme Court ruled that evidence of a crime can still be used in some cases even if police obtained it illegally. While the 5-3 ruling deals a blow to civil rights in favor of police powers, it is likely to be remembered largely for the powerful dissent penned by Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the first Latina justice on the court.

AMY GOODMAN: In a ruling that cited Michelle Alexander, James Baldwin and Ta-Nehisi Coates, Judge Sotomayor wrote, quote, "it is no secret that people of color are disproportionate victims" of police searches. She concluded her argument saying, quote, "By legitimizing the conduct that produces this double consciousness, this case tells everyone, white and black, guilty and innocent, that an officer can verify your legal status at any time. It says that your body is subject to invasion while courts excuse the violation of your rights. It implies that you are not a citizen of a democracy but the subject of a carceral state, just waiting to be cataloged." Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor went on to write, quote, "We must not pretend that the countless people who are routinely targeted by police are 'isolated.' They are the canaries in the coal mine whose deaths, civil and literal, warn us that no one can breathe in this atmosphere. They are the ones who recognize that unlawful police stops corrode all our civil liberties and threaten all our lives. Until their voices matter too, our justice system will continue to be anything but. I dissent." Those are the words of Justice Sonia Sotomayor.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Controlled Scientific Experiment for Critical Culture Change

Controlled Scientific Experiment for Critical Culture Change

By Luis Angel Perez
Science & Mathematics Educator & Advocate

A controlled experiment is a procedure that contains two important traits:

     (1) it tests one thing, (or factor), at a time &

     (2) it contains two groups: an Experimental Group & a Control Group.

        In a controlled experiment, it is customary to administer, (or not administer), the Experimental Treatment being tested to these two different groups - at the same time, in order to control for “history”, (keeping “time” as a constant), and avoid this from possibly confounding your results.

        The following experimental design is unique in the sense that, (A) the Experimental Group & the Control Group are one in the same, and thus, (B) providing the Experimental Treatment and not providing the Experimental Treatment will not be occurring simultaneously but instead in two different time periods.

        In other word, the sample group used in this experiment is initially treated like a Control Group, (deprived of the Experimental Treatment), for many years after which the same sample group will be treated like an Experimental Group, (this time receiving the Experimental Treatment), for many years. Such design is commonly recognized as an Interrupted Time-Series Design.

(1) The Experimental Group

         * is the group that receives the Experimental Treatment being tested in the
            study, (also known as the Independent Variable, IV).

                - The Independent Variable, (IV) or Experimental Treatment

                      * is the single thing, (or factor), that scientists change
                         in an experiment.

                             * In this particular controlled experiment, the Experimental 
                                Treatment, (or the Independent Variable), 
                                is a powerful force I refer to as TATO.

                                    * TATO is a powerful healing force created when 
                                       the elements of Transparency, Accountability, 
                                       meaningful Training, & 
                                       unbiased Oversight are combined.

                - The Dependent Variables, (DV)

                      * are the things, (or factors), in an experiment that may change
                         in response to administering the Experimental Treatment,
                         (or Independent Variable).
                         They are called the “Dependent” Variables because
                         the changes observed here “Depend” on the implementation
                         of the Experimental Treatment.

                      * Scientists usually analyze the changes to the Dependent Variables
                         in order to understand how the Experimental Treatment,
                         (the Independent Variable), affects the system
                         which they are studying.

                             * In this particular controlled experiment,
                                the system that we are studying is 
                                the Department of Education.

(2) The Control Group

         * is the group that does not receive the Experimental Treatment,
            (does not receive the Independent Variable), being tested in the study,

         * and so, the changes in the Control Group, (which does not receive the
            Experimental Treatment), is used as a standard to compare against
            the changes in the Experimental Group, (which does receive
            the Experimental Treatment). 

                * In this particular controlled experiment,
                   the Control Group did not receive the Experimental Treatment TATO
                   for many years.

                * Consequently, we already have many years worth of valuable data
                   from our Control Group.

        It is now critical for us to end the Control Group and focus our time and attention on the Experimental Group; on implementing the Experimental Treatment TATO, (the Independent Variable), in order to begin gathering years of data that we can then use to compare with the years of data already gathered from our Control Group.

My Hypothesis:

        I believe that the results of this experiment will show a significant negative correlation between the Control Group and the Experimental Group within this system.

        Essentially, as the Experimental Treatment TATO is increased, Corruption & Abuse of Power in the Department of Education will significantly decrease, directly resulting in a much favorable culture change for all children, parents, and educators.

Thank you.

Let’s Get to Work!